
It is often said that history is written by the victors and seldom by the vanquished. Similarly, news is written by the oppressors and seldom by the oppressed. What the Zionists in Israel have done to the Palestinians was done in plain sight for everyone to see, but what was reported was only that which was approved by the oppressors.

There is much written about Zionist oppression of Palestinians, but it doesn’t get much visibility. Why? Because it doesn’t agree with the official narrative that all Jews are victims that must be supported at all costs. The official narrative conflates Judaism and Jews with Zionism and Zionists, the former being a religious group and the latter being a political movement. And while Jews have been the oppressed for several centuries, Zionists in Israel have become the oppressors.

Sadly, the distinction between Jews and Zionists is lost in the official narrative, thus biasing public opinion unwittingly to favor the Zionists over the Palestinians.